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目前所選擇的國家為: UK (United Kingdom)
目前所選擇的學校為: University of Cambridge
目前所選擇的學院為: Christ's College

聯絡資訊表 開啟聯絡資訊表

請往下選擇 [學系]
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (Department of)
Archaeology (Department of)
Architecture (Department of)
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Faculty of)
Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology (Department of)
Classics (Faculty of)
Computer Science (Department of)
Earth Sciences & Geography (Faculty of)
Economics (Faculty of)
Education (Faculty of)
English (Faculty of)
History (Faculty of)
History and Politics
History of Art (Department of)
Human, Social and Political Science (Faculty of)
Land Economy Programme
Law (Faculty of)
Mathematics (Faculty of)
Modern and Medieval Languages (Faculty of)
Philosophy (Faculty of)
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Programme